There is a data portal for crime in Phoenix! So what. SO WHAT!? Well, if you are interested in understanding current trends in public safety, then you should keep reading!

Crime trends are very difficult to assess, without seeing the data, because of the peculiar nature of crime.

But, if you want to know about crime in Phoenix, there is the open data portal! (That is the answer to your ‘so what?’ inquiry above.) Specifically, there are three files that pertain to the “police” topic:

For both the Calls for Service and the Crime Incidents data, the city updates the files at 11am every day. The files contains data beginning November 2015 up to 7 days before the posting date.

So, given the issues with the way government collects information on crime and the way it is reported, it is probably pretty great that we can access the data and take up the task of reporting trends in crime, right?

Let’s see it in action! Check out:

What is going on with crime in Phoenix? (well, let’s look!)

(More on) What is going on with crime (types) in Phoenix?

Are police shootings by police officers increasing in Phoenix? (and other questions…)

OR, head back to R 2 Phoenix page

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Last updated 14 February, 2024