This course provides a survey of the various tools used when analyzing networks. The overarching goal of the course is that, upon completion, students will be capable of developing research questions from a network perspective and incorporating network-based tools in their own research. The course is designed to be primarily methodological, dedicating the majority of the time to working through the mechanics of network-based tools. Students will also gain experience with R, a commonly used software program for network data management, analysis, and visualization. We will also work in RStudio.
Introduction to Network Analysis
Introduction to R/RStudio, Data-Driven Documents, & Github Issues
Network Data Structures & Network Data in R
Network Description & Visualization
Network Position: Degree, Closeness, & Betweenness Centrality
Bipartite Graphs/Two-Mode Networks, Projection, & Weighted Graphs
Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs)
Stochastic Actor-Based Models (SABMs)
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